How it works
How it works
How it works

How it works - Fractional Ownership

Fractional participation allows multiple members to pool their resources to purchase a share in high-value assets, such as real estate or luxury items, that they might not be able to afford individually. This approach democratizes access to opportunities, enabling participants to diversify their savings and gain exposure to lucrative markets with lower capital outlay. Through fractional ownership, members can enjoy the benefits of asset appreciation and income generation while sharing the risks and costs with other stakeholders.


Fractional participation allows multiple members to pool their resources to purchase a share in high-value assets, such as real estate or luxury items, that they might not be able to afford individually. This approach democratizes access to opportunities, enabling participants to diversify their savings and gain exposure to lucrative markets with lower capital outlay. Through fractional ownership, members can enjoy the benefits of asset appreciation and income generation while sharing the risks and costs with other stakeholders.

Members participate through purchasing an NFT. Sometimes the participation of a Fintech to onramp funds will be needed. The number of NFTs completes needed participation to fund the project. From the organization treasury wallet funds are transferred partially to buy the plot and then make several payments to build the house. After a period of time house is delivered to realtors for sale. When sales is complete, signed and funds collected, remaining funds are reimbursed to the owners of the NFTs.

From the moment a members enters in a project, with the NFT in their web3 wallets will review all the information of the project in a private site, all legal documents, payments, certificates of ownership and receipts will reside in the private website.

Each project has its own legal process separated from others, each one of them resides in a local trust

About the process flow

What's an NFT?

An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) as a utility token represents a unique digital asset that provides access to specific functionalities or services within a decentralized ecosystem. Unlike traditional NFTs, which often serve as collectibles or digital art, utility NFTs offer holders exclusive rights, such as access to a platform, participation in governance, or eligibility for special perks and rewards within a blockchain-based system

What's a DAO?

A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is an organization governed by smart contracts on a blockchain, where decision-making processes are managed through a consensus mechanism rather than traditional hierarchical structures. DAOs enable decentralized management, transparency, and community participation in decision-making, allowing for more democratic and efficient organizational operations.


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Clean kitchen with wooden flooring
Clean kitchen with wooden flooring
Clean kitchen with wooden flooring

Building owners through DAOs and tokenized assets.

© 2024 CBA BLOCK

Building owners through DAOs and tokenized assets.

© 2024 CBA BLOCK

Building owners through DAOs and tokenized assets.

© 2024 CBA BLOCK